Wednesday 18 September 2013

The success and reputation of Wescot Credit Services makes it an ideal sponsor for CCR Interactive

The major annual conference for the credit collections and risk industry is the CCR Interactive Event. If last year’s event is anything to go by, the 2013 conference will be a big success. The event was sold out in 2012 – making it the most well attended one-day conference in the UK credit industry.

Industry-specific conferences perform a number of very useful functions. They enable networking and an informal exchange of ideas and perspectives. The CCR event is no exception. Last year’s networking breakfast and lunch was hugely popular. Conferences also enable delegates to mingle in a more relaxed setting – as demonstrated by the success of last year’s formal dinner that raised over £40,000 for charity.

Most importantly, a conference of this nature is a very useful means of ensuring that the latest principles of best practice become more widely known throughout the industry. This is especially important in the financial services sector in the aftermath of the global economic downturn. The credit industry faces its own very specific challenges in light of the current economic climate. Increasingly over recent years, this niche has provoked commentary from the media in which examples of bad practice have been highlighted – including the perceived heavy-handed tactics employed by some less reputable players within the industry. Sensible and professional companies who adhere to strict ethical standards such as this year’s main sponsor, Wescot Credit Services can set a positive example to the rest of the industry.

By following the example of Wescot Credit Services in areas such as compliance, appropriate data handling and treating customers fairly, delegates ought to be able to lean some very useful lessons to help move their businesses forward. Crucially, it will be able to avoid being tarred with the same brush as certain ‘fringe elements’ of the industry whose actions have perhaps caused a dent to the industry’s reputation over recent years.

It is always helpful to the prestige of any event of this nature if the main sponsor is a major player within the industry. Wescot Credit Services certainly fits the bill so far as size is concerned. The company has a nationwide base of customers and employs in the region of 650. The company also has a solid reputation – and indeed has played a role in consultations over the future of the industry. This all bodes well for the 2013 conference.